Monday, January 9, 2012

Haiku Monday: Nocturnal

Scout at Preserving the South is our hostess for this week's Haiku Monday. Y'all will have a barrel of fun readin' all the entries for her theme, Nocturnal.

Shrieking furies ride
midnight air-- Fanatical
Late night radio.

* * * * *

Moonlit bare feet glide
along ancient corridors,
Vigil prayers-Peace!


Aunty Belle said...
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Aunty Belle said...

I wish I owned that painting:
Nuns in the Certosa Cloister, overlooking a Moonlit Sea towards the Faraglioni, Capri
By Franz Ludwig Catel, 1823.

It belongs to the University of Kansas--but they keep it in the dark, not on display: an involuntary nocturne.

fishy said...

From "shriek" to "peace" !
Quite the study in contrasts Belle.
Nicely done, as always.

Jean said...

Completely different takes on one theme. Excellent!

Monastery painting is beautiful.

Jean said...

Completely different takes on one theme. Excellent!

Monastery painting is beautiful.

Rafael said...

Aunty Belle:

I love everything about your 2nd haiku. The painting is a perfect complement to the idea of beauty and peace. Sad, though, that such beauty is hidden from view. Art, by definition, is to be seen/heard (not touched) and ENJOYED !


Aunty Belle said...
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Aunty Belle said...

Aw, Fishy, thanky!
The dark-dwellers all git jobs
on late night radio, it seems. I doan mean they's bad folk, jes' that they see only dark an' doom.

Too bad few folks know that the worldover thar's many a tired body that slips from bed after 1 a.m. to whisper blessin's on the world.


Why thanky, Dear. Isn't that painting lovely? serene but some how "active" 'cause I can feel their prayers at work.


I know--grrrrr! I'se tempted to go hijack that paintin' from Kansas--apparently they would never miss it, an' I have just the wall fer it!

Good luck ever'body!

Scout said...

God bless the intercessors!!!!! Be they nuns or praying grandmas....we have ALL benefitted from their prayers and supplications! Thank you for providing a lovely poem and a fitting visual to go with it! Locked away in the bowels of UKC...pshawwwwwww.