
Welcome all!
Iffin' Haiku Monday is new to some of y'all, here is a brief history an' review of the rules.
Our beloved Troll once hosted a meme called Mute Monday wherein' thar's a theme an' blogger participants posted pictures relevant to the weekly theme. Next Troll introduced us to his luv fer Haiku, a form of Japanese poetry. At first the two were combined such that ya' wrote a Haiku supported wif' a picture.
Soon the poem itself became the primary criteria fer the weekly judgement. Each week the host determines if visuals may be used, an' to what degree the visual determines the winner. Fer the most part, visuals is optional. This week, Aunty will use yore visuals as a tie-breaker in the event that two or more entries are neck-N'-neck. Since y'all has grown so adept at writin' Haiku, it's likely that a good visual will give ya' an edge, but a visual ain't a requirement.
How to play: Simply leave yore Haiku in the comment box on this post, an' also post it at yore own blog if thas' yore wish-- wif' a visual if desired-- an' link it to this post. Please note: unless yore Haiku is posted heah in the combox it cain't be considered fer the prize--so please remember that ya' wanna post it heah whar' all the participants can read it.
Our theme this week is GHOST.
Of course, thar's many a word that is ghostly: apparition, haint, wraith, spirit, phantom, spectre, spook.
The rules fer GHOST include the usual Haiku rules: A three line 5-7-5 format where the first line is 5 syllables, the second line is 7 syllables, the last line is 5 syllables. Winning Haiku make use of BOTH Kigo( seasonal reference), an' Kireji ( "cutting" word or punctuation ). The idea is to join two separate images/ emotions in one integrated verse. ( more info heah)
This week please DO use an actual ghostly word (any synonym of ghost) somewhar' in yore verse.
Though regulars know this, it seems fittin' to mention fer the sake of any newcomers, that Haiku is meant to elicit an emotion--sort of an "aha!" moment that, when reading the verse, the reader joins ya'--recognizes it as similar to an experience he has had too--though he may not have given it that particular expression. Haiku describin' the crack of ice as you step upon it, its icy veins runnin' ahead of ya', the shatterin' sound, yore gasp that makes a cloud puff in the air ...this moment is one we readily feel. The essence of Haiku is feeling (as distinct from analysis, intuition, history, advice). Strong points go to the entry that puts us "in the moment."
Git yore entries in by midnight Monday (PST). Winner will be announced by Tuesday noon, EST.
Have fun!!

Good afternoon Aunty Belle,
This one's not scary. Well not unless your listening to the rigging shake the boat apart from the swell.
Sails hang like limp rags.
Rise and fall from far off swell.
A ghost of a breeze.
Looking foward to this weeks submissions. Thanks for hosting.
My soul winters lest
I remember to forget.
Still the ghost lingers.
Aunty, did you choose that theme to lure Master Basho's Ghost into the light?
Hello Aunty, Is your jet still lagging or are you all recovered form that marvellous trip?
thanks for hosting and what a great theme.
I have 1 for you here, and a couple more over at "The Palais" with some visuals and a little music which I will post off into the ether tomorrow... being Monday here.
Silver Styx.
An unprepared Soul?
Don’t stand a ghost of a chance
Pay the ferryman!
Once I'm through wrangling this particular deadline alligator and turn it into a quality handbag, I'll be along to play.
Just by reading what's been submitted so far, looks like another tough field.
Enjoy your Sunday and thanks for hosting!
The Dream
Surrounded by mist ...
A spectre with ashen skin.
Yearningly I reach ...
Visual up at my blog.
My heart is a wraith;
haunted and caught, tangled in
your barbed-wire love.
Oh, I might post a visual. I'll let you know.
Me again .. Is it spectre or specter?
Hi Miz Belle,
Thanks for the invitation. I feel a little guilty playing since I don’t have a blog, but offer some things for your entertainment and my own mental exercise. You have such a creative crew, I don’t worry about winning, though.
I got sucked into this because:
Haiku intrigues me,
Makes me think harder writing,
To say more with less.
Your ghostly invitation brought several things to mind. Here are my offerings for everyone’s entertainment. Peculiar things can happen; here are a few.
Hope y’all enjoy.
Not big on ice cream.
But chocolate-butterscotch;
Aunt Flo’s ghost ordered?
Chill feel blows through cirque.
Deer and partner shy away.
What demon walks here?
Friend hugs all goodbye.
The man missed dreamt of a hug.
Did friend’s ghost stop by?
Thank you:
Man studies wild sheep
To find why they are dying.
Ancient spirits trill.
To save a breached doe
I pursue and pull the fawn.
Spirits gift stone point.
Hunting sheep alone,
I know where they are but halt.
Ghostly warning’s clear.
@foam the latter: Depends on your postal code.
I'll be back later for Ghost. Thanks, Aunty.
It has been suggested to me that "wire" is one syllable. It sounds like two syllables to me. Please disregard my entry until I clear this up. (I don't know how to erase it) Thank you!
thanks, czar!
I thought yours was the winner when I read it. Depends on the part of the country. Where I hail from it is *wy-er*. But in the South is it often *wyr*, dropping part of the spelling and enunciation. I vote for 2.
Hungry Ghost Haiku
O'er Broad Wall ramparts
Pencil-Necks scream: EAT THE RICH!
Realm of Hungry Ghosts.
note: "realm of hungry ghosts" is explained at the troll stroll.
hint: it's right next door to the "realm of hell" in most depictions.
Thanks, anonymous. And Csar, for your counsel. I have revised my haiku. Aunty, please use the haiku below.
My heart is a wraith;
haunted and caught, tangled in
your sweet barbed wire love.
I thought I posted one but couldn't find it. Probably lost because of new computer. I don't keep notes and can't remember. I have real minor surgery Monday so I'm kind of frazzled. I'll pass and get you next week, sorry, dumber than a Yugo full of anvils. Dan
Lol, anonymous, I thought you meant you voted for "2" meaning the second choice of one syllable. The dictionary says it's one syllable, and Miss Aunty will surely speak it that way. Though I don't know why "liar" is two syllables and "wire", which rhymes, is only one.
Up with (gasp!) visuals
Beckon, brick spirits!
Perfect spacetimes well from walls;
Spectral signs remind.
Our language is a funny one. I have been places in the south part of our great country where my southern-born husband had to translate for me. You might think a single tongue would be less incomprehensible from place to place. (I still think you have it.)
Curm, you did post one yesterday. Hope all goes well.
@ Curmudgeon last comment.
Second from top, you wrote:
My soul winters lest
I remember to forget.
Still the ghost lingers.
Hang in there tomorrow.
@ Foam
If you are a British spy it's SPECTRE.
@ Fleurdeleo
If Miz Belle pronounces wire as one syllable she is not true Cracker but a redneck. Webster's syllabation notwithstanding, Wire -Liar is correct pronunciation for Crackers.
I'm up with a visual.
@anonymous .. thanks! i'm keeping it up since somewhere in the world it's spelled as spectre .. besides, aunty spells it the same way ..
@Anon et al.
Here's a koan to accompany the haiku:
Let's presume "wire" is two syllables. Where do you break it at the end of a line?
@ Fleurdeleo
@ Czar
WIRE, a one syllable word, contains two mora, a unit of sound. That is, WIRE is a heavy syllable(phonology, prododic hierarchy). Test Merriam Webster's notation,
"After a vowel in the same syllable \r\ is most often a semivowel"
by hearing the second mora of WIRE as WY UHR where the short vowel U sound is necessary for the utterance of the R following the long vowel,I. Consonants that function by position as a semivowel are found in heavy syllables.
In English heavy syllables carry downbeats which affect tone, pitch. Heavy syllables linger in pronunciation which affects meter, rhythm, which poets employ(iamb,dactyl, anapaest).
The proper written form of heavy syllables ignores the mora segments, but proper speech employs mora as a rhythmic feature of the language. R followed by a silent E is a different allophone from R at the beginning of a syllable. The written WIRE, unlike the heard WIRE, is not indicative of the subtleties of any regional specifics of rhotic or nor-rhotic pronunciation.
These distinctions work to the advantage of the English poet because it enables an economy of words without penalizing the rhythm and tonal quality of poetry. Spoken English includes rallentando-esque words such as WIRE that change the cadence and lessen the staccato effect when several one syllable words are juxtaposed in a single phrase.
In the South there are regional peculiarities that heighten the heavy syllabation for the purpose of rhythm, perhaps due to an emphasis on Greek and Latin poetry in traditional Southern education pre 1930.
@Anon: Thanks for the insight/research. So it's pretty much unarguably a one-syllable word ("WIRE, a one syllable word"; ". . . such as WIRE that change the cadence and lessen the staccato effect when several one syllable words are juxtaposed in a single phrase"), but poets can play within that syllable for effect.
"After a vowel in the same syllable \r\ is most often a semivowel"
So, the vowels are a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y and sometimes w and semi sometimes \r\. I'm glad I don't have to keep up with this stuff.
It is always amazing how and where you learn new things. To the other Anon, thanks for that English lesson. I have to admit I did not know this difference: "The proper written form of heavy syllables ignores the mora segments, but proper speech employs mora as a rhythmic feature of the language." Cool, it is 6:15 AM and I already learned something useful today.
Red Anon
I love it. Our Anons are starting to identify themselves by name. Is this a great place or what?
I am amazed and grateful for the syllabic insight. The only research I did was to look it up in the dictionary and then recite, "Liar, liar, pants on fire, hanging from a telephone wire." Hence, my confusion.
Good morning Aunty Belle,
Howdy All.
A paranormal
exterminator service?
Just call Ghostbusters
Keeping up appearances:
Guadalupe, Lourdes,
Pontmain, Fatima, Paris.
Spectre's GPS !
His mysterious ways:
Cosmo Topper taught
acceptance of faith's unseen.
Playful Spirit guide!
Well, my husband for one will be grateful to hear wire's actually one syllable.
As for haiku, 17:
Lo, what spectral smudge
at midnight haunts my room? Phew!
‘tis only the dog.
Mercy, I'se dizzy!
seems thar's an overnight explosion of Haiku and comments.
Thangs is shapin' up to be a terrifyin' judgment assignment. But leastways, I doan need to worry about syllable count in these ditties as thar's plenty of watchmen.
Karl's "limp rags" is as ghostly an image as as his phantom breeze--a nice play.
Curmudgeon's winter soul is a grand seasonal allusion--an we'uns all wish ya well today fer whatever procedures youse endurin;.
Princess throws cold Styx water on us! Warning-- Cerberus awaits the unshriven shades.
Foamy's spectre (British spelling) elicits not fear but longing. Havin' mah own loss this year, Foam's verse strikes a tender chord.
Anon-Red offers multiple Haiku (No limit wuz announced, so reckon' all may submit multiples too if youse so moved.) His/ Her Encounter speaks to Aunty, reminiscent of Uncle's own bow huntin' this past weekend.
Troll educated us wif' a multicultural explanation of the farce of the Great UNsatiated, who shall evermore be ghosts of a dyin' democracy.
Czar's brick messages of days long gone remind us of ghost towns--wonderful, nostalgic images.
Karl reappears wif' a witty, decidedly un scary Haiku that charms.
Fishy wafts in wif'a list of apparitions even yore GPS can find, then tops thangs off wif' early TV's most loveable ghost--well done!
Now, mercy, all y'all ANONs...pleeze take a number! I discern at least two ANONs, one bein' identified as Red (Welcome!)but mayhap thar's a third? Welcome all.
As fer the syllable scramble, Aunty is prone herownself to turn perfectly serviceable one syllable words into two. (yay-us, I is liable to draw-al heah an' theah)
oops! Moi sneaks in a loveable apparition, NOT Cerberus, but his better version.
Well if you say there's no limits Aunty... then here's another two...
Unchained Melody:
Love springs eternal
Whoopi? A ghost whisperer?
Cue Righteous brothers
Something in the air:
Spirits rising
All hallows eve approaches
Candy's the reward
That should just about do me for another week...
Powerful Haiku in the hat this week Aunty.
I'se jus glad I'se not a judgering...
May the spirit be with you...
Thank you for your concern. It was very,very minor. A nerve block and some bone putty. I Was just frazzled about figuring how to get to the hospital.
I see now how prematurely I ended haiku contest when I hosted it. Please forgive me. Good luck to everyone they all look great.
Moi, My dogs are always scaring the crud out of me. I liked that one.
Hi Miz Belle,
Oddly, that Encounter was during bowhunting for mule deer at about 10,000 feet. It was very creepy. I would love to hear Uncle's story...
I do believe you may have three Anons here.
Thanks for hosting - what a lot of creative talent.
Red Anon
tap, tap, tap...look at me being with all the early birds waggling our worms about well before the cut-off!
Aunty, I present you with one...
Steel mist reigns complete
Apparitions crystallize
Glisten in morn’s light
I have visuals up @ http://ramblingsfrommytyper.blogspot.com/2011/10/rejoice.html
One fright night transformed
Ebenezer's stubborn heart.
Ghosts: 3, Scrooge: 0
Frightening Spectre:
This hideous farce
guillotines founding spirits.
I'm here Aunty!! and here's my entry. I'll be around later tonight to see the other entries. Working all day in the shop.
Throwing pottery
was never the same again
still, a dumb movie
Ooooo, Fishy, clever, clever.
Howl to Boxer! I concur!
My last contributions. This time simply from vapors rather than from things that happened.
Y'all made do this because of all your sprightly creativity.
Red Anon
Black Slime:
Secret wraith beckons
Into the dark winter swamp.
What foul thing awaits?
Arrested Flight:
Repugnant beast leaps.
I dodge, but manes’ hand grasps me.
Can death be far now?
Misty Mountains:
Mist swirls through the trees.
Faint apparition scuffles.
Did I hear “gollum”?
just noticed I once again didn't read the rules, but I'm still happy with the my entry. xoxo
Football season great:
Darth Vader junior
conjures spirit force. Once. Twice.
Ignition!!!! Dad smiles
All Hallows Eve:
Apparitions swarm
eerily through night shadows.
Chocoholics all!
Candy corn fangs and
ghost infested hemlocks; Jack
grins with sweet promise
Up with a visual. Good luck all - many many wonderful and spooky haiku this week!
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