Hi Y'all! Can ya' believe it is Wednesday again? Thas' time fer another Movie Clip Wednesday theme--hosted by our British movie muse, Joanna Cake (Cakey Pie, in Cracker Speak).
This week the theme is Best Woman Pretending to Be a Man Movie.
Well, this could stump a body--I ain't seen that many movies wif' the switcheroo, an' Julie Andrews as Victor-Victoria is bound to be a blog jinx.
An then, ho ho! I knowed right away whar' to find the theme--in history! A woman burned for dressing as a man.
The Messenger stars Dustin Hoffman, John Malkovich, Faye Dunaway an' Milla Jovoich
This ain't mah favorite movie version of Joan of Arc--the director / writer, Luc Besson, takes a more than a bit of license wif' the historical record, an' makes Joan out to repulsive --in a nutcase sort of intensity--an' no doubt many thought her so. But it is by jes' such as these that "the wise are confounded." Joan's fate lay in the hands of politicians an weak churchmen who bowed an' scraped afore the politicians an' crowns-- if anybody wants a good account of Joan's history, Mark Twain's Joan of Arc is very fine. Oddly enough, the volumes of records preserved from her trials is still available to researchers.
Iffin' a movie version is quicker fer ya', the 1999 TV version with Leelee Sobieski is very fine for a good understandin' of the politics behind the battles.
Of course, the 1948 version wif' Ingrid Bergman is classic--jes that the costuming in 1948 might not be as "Woman plays Man " as this week's theme expects.
Good afternoon Aunty Bellle,
You're right this was a tough topic. You've made a fine choice. I've seen the 1948 version.
A happy clip day to you!
Joan of Arc is a good one ( I never even thought of her). Whenever I see Milla Jovoich, I always think of her in the gun toting Alice in Resident Evil. I seems to me there was another good JofA flick kicking around in the back of my mind, but I just can't come up with it.
Happy MCW!
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